Angela Bassett nude - City of Hope (1991)

Angela Bassett in nude scene from City of Hope which was released in 1991. She shows us her tits in sex scene.

Angela Bassett nude - City of Hope (1991) Angela Bassett nude - City of Hope (1991) Angela Bassett nude - City of Hope (1991)

Actress: Angela Bassett
Movies: City of Hope
Tags: topless, sex, nude


9 thought on “Angela Bassett nude - City of Hope (1991)

  • Boom: 7 +1 -1

    She is so. Sexy I will. Luv to go there with her and I'm just 38. Year's. Old I will. Do. Any thing she like. Me to

  • P FUNK: 5 +1 -1

    She looks very do-able if I was on her level . If only.

  • IzaBlubyU69: 8 +1 -1

    Classic beauty. Always has been-always will be...

  • Gshack221: 1 +1 -1

    I had a crush on Halle until seeing this scene. When Angela's upper lip 'fluttered', you knew she was having the 'Big-O'....

  • Anonymous: 4 +1 -1

    Si cara bel seno bei capezzoli amore mangiare seno bei capezzoli assolutamente cara

  • Zachary Zach: 4 +1 -1

    I would make love to her as many times as I can count!

  • Johnylover: 0 +1 -1

    I am 18 and i love her . She is so sexy that i can marry her even now also

  • T'Challa: 2 +1 -1

    Mother!! What the fuck you are doing?

  • Anonymous: 2 +1 -1

    Beautiful lady

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