Christina Applegate sexy - Streets (1990)

Christina Applegate in sexy scene from Streets which was released in 1990. There is not so much nudity but Christina Applegate looks pretty hot in that underwear in sex scene. We have some side boob from her.

Christina Applegate sexy - Streets (1990) Christina Applegate sexy - Streets (1990) Christina Applegate sexy - Streets (1990) Christina Applegate sexy - Streets (1990) Christina Applegate sexy - Streets (1990)

Actress: Christina Applegate
Movies: Streets
Tags: sex, underwear, sexy, side boob


8 thought on “Christina Applegate sexy - Streets (1990)

  • lesbian lover: 8 +1 -1

    Christina could be a real fireball and this is probably a very old clip. Sorry, just a moment's of side-tits to show us but the girl's hot.

  • Godleydemon: 12 +1 -1

    They actually did a really good job on the editing to try and hide any nipples. If you slow it down, very slowly, you can see a couple of frames here and there they edited out. BUT they missed a few frames where you can infact see nipple XD

  • titlover: 20 +1 -1

    It's the closest we ever got on christina's tits

  • singhman: 10 +1 -1

    good job guys really for providing the service!

  • gero: 6 +1 -1

    No one will ever see them again. She cut them off. A great loss.

  • Jack: 1 +1 -1

    Rumor had it she was 16 or 17 when she filmed that. True?

  • Deuce: 4 +1 -1

    I have nothing but respect for Christina Applegate as well as the entire cast of "Married with Children". Christina portrayed the bimbo daughter like no other. Uncommon to find a sitcom with talented actors & comical in their own respects. Hail to the Bundy's

  • Stig: -1 +1 -1

    Released in the US in January 1990, by which time Ms Applegate was two months past her 19th birthday, but director Katt Shea reportedly said the actress was only 16 when her scenes were filmed. Fox was apparently unhappy when it finally emerged, as Ms Applegate was now starring in Married... with Children.

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