Cristi Harris nude - Night of the Scarecrow (1995)

Cristi Harris in this short clip can be seen with her male partner sleeping in the bed when her male partner decides to go wow and opens her shirt`s button and also makes her go nude. She starts kissing him and sucking her lips while she switches off the light the guy starts undressing her and sucking her boobs and taking them in her hand.

We must say this that the boobs of Cristi Harris were really big and hot and were whitish like milk to the screen making things go wow and sexy. The clip has been taken from the movie named Night of the Scarecrow which was released in the year 1995. Cristi Harris showed her boobs in the clip.

Cristi Harris nude - Night of the Scarecrow (1995) Cristi Harris nude - Night of the Scarecrow (1995) Cristi Harris nude - Night of the Scarecrow (1995)

Actress: Cristi Harris
Movies: Night of the Scarecrow
Tags: topless, sex, nude


19 thought on “Cristi Harris nude - Night of the Scarecrow (1995)

  • Anonymous: 38 +1 -1

    10/10 for boobs

  • Boobytrap: 29 +1 -1

    Boobs are so good

  • Anonymous: 13 +1 -1

    Dude's a total douchebag.

  • Anonymous: 4 +1 -1

    The best part of night of the scarecrow

  • Anonymous: 6 +1 -1

    Best part of the movie before the scarecrow touches Stephanie and plants a seed in Stephanie.She does have nice books like way her bra just comes loose or when the tentacle like things start coming out of her body.i think Stephanie should had just her bra and panties on and no pants or a body suit.i think when her bra popped off her panties should have.

  • Anonymous: 7 +1 -1

    Best part of the movie is when Stephanie is in her bed room with her boyfriend and they are making out then stop and go to her boyfriends van to make out more.Her boyfriend has her shirt and bra unbutton and her boobs show.when her boyfriend leaves to get a beer he touches her and squeezes her boobs Stephanie gets attacked be the scarecrow but planting a seed in her.then when Danny comes back she is in pain and her bra pops off and boobs and rest of her body has tentacles coming out of her.this is where she should had no pants on just panties,bodysuit,or pantyhose.

  • Love night of the scarecrow: 4 +1 -1

    Really great breast scene.

  • Anonymous and like breast: 6 +1 -1

    Cristi Harris Stephanie in the night of the scarecrow has a really great sex scene and a wow scene with the scarecrow impregnating Stephanie with a seed going down in her the scene where Stephanie Cristi Harris is with her boyfriend and they start making out in her bed room she keeps saying no no no stop stop stop.then quits and Stephanie tells Danny that they need to go out her parents are there and don't want to get caught.Stephanie wants to go some places they go to Stephanies boyfriends van to start making out having sex Stephanie has her bra unbuttoned and breast showing really big breast. Stephanie is getting touched kissed fondled boobs sucked.her pants are unbuttoned and unzipped and Danny has put his hand there opinion the pants should been taken off and Stephanie in her bra and panties.if she had other clothes on a skirt short or long been good with pantyhose on.Danny decides to go get a beer he tells Stephanie he be right back going get a tall cold one and Stephanie says thought that l was then she is told she is short hot one.Stephanies boyfriend gets her left Breast and squeezes it and kisses Stephanie she called him a pig.Stephanie is alone now and puts her buttons her bra back and lays down turns a strobe light on and had headphones on and while she is doing that she closes her eyes.stephanie is waiting her boyfriend to come back.the scarecrow opens the side door to the van and comes in towards Stephanie Cristi Harris and has one.hand and fingers going up her legs and her vagina or pussy.Stephanie feels him touching her and then says in a sexy voice mmm it's about time you got back.Stephanie thinks it's her boyfriend back then she touched the scarecrows hand when he was touching her belly.Stepphanie opens her eyes and starts screaming and the scarecrow holds Stephanie down and starts attacking her.The scarecrow has a finger coming towards Stephanies mouth and says seed some place to plant my seed.the scarecrow attacks Stephanie and plants the seed in her mouth and goes into her stomach and maybe some where the reproductive system.the scarecrow leaves Stephanie is now the scarecrows girlfriend and has been impregnated. Stephanie is alone with strobe light still flashing.danny comes back and finds Stephanie laying and trying to reach to Danny saying I don't feel good screaming.then Stephanies bra pops off and her breast start to show and both breast start to move making a noise and then tentacles vines or stalks start coming out of Stephanies breast nipples both arms and legs.the tentacles vines or stalks are coming through Stephanies pants they should been ripped off by them.Strephanie has tentacles vines or stalks coming out of her there making sounds she is screaming for help yelling no.Danny is watching Stephanie with everything is happening to her and danny trying to get out unable to get out he Is yelling at her she needs someone to save her but nothing can be done.after sometimes the tentacles vines or stalks are coming out of her mouth and more come out rest of her body.danny gets out and Stephanie is still in the van.the back doors to the van open up and the glass breaks and Stephanie is now being pulled out by the tentacles vines or stalks she hits the ground and makes on ooh and is being pulled she keeps screaming for help trying to not be pulled into the ground then Stephanie is being pulled into the ground by tentacles vines or stalks they are killers and know what they are doing.Stephanie is pulled into the ground feet first and her body is covered by the tentacles vines or stalks.Stephanie goes into the ground feet first she still trying to scream.Stephanie is in the ground planted. Really like to know why Cristi Harris Stephanie was pulled into the ground. Was it for her to be with the scarecrow to reproduce or something. When Crist Harris Stephanie was in her bed room and before they went out why didn't Stephanie put a skirt on or something other than pants.the pants are ok they was unbuttoned and unzipped.and why didn't her pants come off when Stephanie cristi harris was in the van with Danny.or when Danny left Skirt been good with pantyhose on and Danny touching Stephanies legs her butt and grabbing and touching her vagina or pussy.and could see the tentacles vines and stalks coming out of Stephanie. And if she was in her bra and panties when the tentacles start coming out of her her bra popped off and her panties pop or rip off After the first round of tentacles stalks or vines or when Stephanie is getting pulled out of van her panties rip off or stay on then she goes into the ground. Nude.

  • Anonymous breast and more: 6 +1 -1

    When Stephanie cristi harris was with her boyfriend and they were in her bed room and they go out to Danny's van to make out Stephanie has her bra unbuttoned and breast showing.Stephanie still had her pants on and unbuttoned and unzipped they should had came off of her and she should been in her underwear a skirt short or long with pantyhose on.or maybe a bodysuit or bathingsuit with top part pulled down exposing her breast.and bottom part still on to keep Cristi Harris Stephanie covered around her vaginal area.Stephanie could had biker shorts on or leggings.she had skirt on and had pantyhose on when the scarecrow touched her and her boyfriend the tentacles when coming out of Stephanies legs Rip some of her pantyhose and good way to see tentacles vines or stalks coming out of Stephanies vagina.if Stephanie was in just her bra and panties the bra pops off her when she had tentacles vines or stalks coming out of her breast and then her panties could pop off or Rip off by tentacles vines or stalks. The scarecrow attacks Stephanie and when the scarecrow attacks Stephanie by touching her and using his finger to put a seed into Stephanies mouth and impregnated Her.the scarecrow should use other finger and kinda run into Stephanies panties and had a seed on it with slime substance and run into her vagina and have 2 seeds in her one by mouth and other by her vagina. When Stephanie haa everything happen to her her boyfriend keeps watching her and when the tentacles vines or stalks start coming out of Stephanies body the ones come out of her are smart and ones coming out of her breast and vagina are the main ones and she gets pulled out of the van with her breast showing.or completely nude or with a bathingsuit or bodysuit on and top is pulled down but bottom part is still on for where Stephanie Cristi Harris was younger.

  • Love Stephanies boobs: 6 +1 -1

    Loved the night of the scarecrow and What happens to Stephanie Cristi Harris from the time Stephanie and her boyfriend is in her bed room in her bed.they go to Danny's van to start making out having sex.Stephanie has her bra unbuttoned and breast showing.Stephanie is getting touched kissed fondled and breast sucked.Stephanie has her pants on unbuttoned and unzipped and Danny is touching Stephanie down in her pants.her pants should have came off if you are going to have sex or just make out pants should not be on.Stephanie should had bra and panties on.a skirt would been great with pantyhose.a bodysuit bathingsuit biker shorts or leggings.when I seen the movie first time I thought Stephanie was in just her underwear and when the scarecrow planted the seed in Stephanies mouth. I thought Stephanies boyfriend came up to her and had his penis out and went pulled Stephanies panties to the side and then entered her and his penis Stephanie stated screaming and then her bra popped off and the tentacles vines or corn stalks what ever they are started coming out of her breast and arms legs and belly and later her mouth and now her panties popped or ripped off and tentacles vines or corn stalks start coming from her vagina.another thing could been something Is when the scarecrow attacked Stephanie put a seed her when the scarecrow was touching her vagina he could put a seed in Stephanie then she would have one in the vagina would work any sex.

  • Happen and didn't a thought: 6 +1 -1

    Night of the scarecrow was really cool and the scene where Stephanie Cristi Harris is getting ready to have sex with her boyfriend.Stephanie Cristi Harris is with her boyfriend in his van she is top less and has her bra unbuttoned and breast showing.She is getting touched kissed fondled boobs sucked .Stephanie has her pants on unbuttoned and unzipped.Stephanies boyfriend has his hand on Stephanie and touches her and there both making sex sounds.Danny stops and says he is going to get a beer.Stephanies left Breast is squeezed by Danny then he leave.this where pants should have been taken off and she should be in her underwear.if Stephanie was going to have her clothes on should been a skirt short or long with pantyhose on.if not them maybe a bodysuit or bathingsuit.With the bathingsuit or bodysuit the top part could be pulled down exposing her breast the bottom still stays on during everything or comes off later.with pantyhose on.Danny and the scarecrow Stephanie could get vagina grabbed and touched .and when the tentacles vines or corn stalks start coming out you could see them in the pantyhose.the scarecrow opens the van door and comes in Stephanie is laying down waiting on her boyfriend to come back.she has her eyes closed .the scarecrow comes to her and starts touching Stephanie with his finger and hand he touches her vagina and and her belly Stephanie thinks it's her boyfriend back.Stephanie in a sexy voice says mmm about time you are getting back.Stephanie touches scarecrows hand and she is screaming trying to fight but not to much.the scarecrow holds Stephanie down and starts attacking her then he has a finger coming towards Stephanies mouth with a seed on the end.scarecrow says some where to plant his seed.Stephanie is getting ready to kinda get sexualy assaulted and have oral sex.Stephanie has the seed placed in her mouth.another thing maybe is when the scarecrow touched Stephanies vagina / pussy maybe the scarecrow if she had her panties bathingsuit or bodysuit the scarecrow could have put his hand and finger up in them and the finger with a seed placed up in the vagina that seed be used for if Stephanie was touched,or had a penis to go in her and it would make the seed to start sprouting in her vagina from cum.The scarecrow placed the seed in Stephanies mouth and now is in her stomach and maybe some where the reproductive Stephanie has became the scarecrows girlfriend now is impregnated.the scarecrow and Stephanie are both making sexual sounds.after the scarecrow attacks Stephanie it could be few minutes or hour or so when Stephanie cristi harris has the awesome thing to happen.Danny comes back and finds Stephanie has her bra showing laying down and is sweating and is in pain she trys to reach to Danny saying his name he says what then the bra pops off comes loose on its own.and Stephanies breast are showing and start to move and make noise she is screaming saying no no help and then the she has corn sprouts tentacles vines or corn stalks start coming out of Stephanies breast nipples both arms both legs through the pants and other parts of her body.another thing when Danny came back Stephanie should had her bra and panties or bodysuit on and danny could start having sex with Stephanie then while doing that the seed would start to sprout from Stephanies vagina if she has pre cum and from her boyfriend .while the sprouts are coming out of Stephanies body there making popping sound and whipping sounds.then all of her clothes should be off danny trying get out unable to get out he Is watching Stephanie with everything happen to her and myself I really liked it.danny gets out leaves Stephanie alone in the van the sprouts has came out of her mouth and she saying no no stop help me she wants Danny but nothing can be done by anyone.the back doors open and glass breaks to the van and the sprouts are pulling Stephanie out of the van really fast she says help again and is pulled into the ground feet first and she is a plant now.

  • Great movie: 4 +1 -1

    Like the scene with Cristi Harris Stephanie was something different frist time watching what happens to Stephanie Cristi Harris before the scarecrow attacks during and what happens after.kinda funny was watching it with my girlfriend about a few years after watching it first kinda scared her was watching the night of the scarecrow and just me and my girlfriend and we had the lights turned off and the scene when Stephanies boyfriend are in the van and he goes to get a beer and Stephanie is alone getd attacked by the scarecrow and has seed planted in her mouth when danny left came back and finds Stephanie still in the van and the and her bra pops off and the tentacles vines or corn stalks what ever they was coming out of Stephanies breast and scared my girlfriend she said leave a woman by her self and getting ready to have sex and it's always something like that to happen.

  • Anonymous: 3 +1 -1

    Love the night of the scarecrow and the scene where Cristi Harris Stephanie is attacked by the scarecrow and becomes impregnated by a seed and a sex scene.Cristi Harris Stephanie starts out her and her boyfriend is at Stephanies house in her bedroom starting to make out.Stephanies and her boyfriend are kissing and her breast are getting touched and squeezed.Cristi Harris Stephanie tells her boyfriend that her mom is awake and don't want to get caught.Cristi Harris Stephanie tells her boyfriend lets go out somewhere romantic and no one can hear them.they both start out Stephanie getting her breast touched still.Stephanie Cristi Harris is in her boy friend van and starting to make out slowly.Stephanie has her shirt unbuttoned and has a pair of pants on and unbuttoned and unzipped my opinion she should have a skirt on or the pants taken off.Stephanie has her bra unbuttoned and breast showing and her boyfriend is touching sucking and squeezes her breast.Her pants are unbuttoned and unzipped her boyfriend starting to touch her and putting his hands down into her pants.While they are making out and getting futher Stephanies boyfriend stops and says he will be back going get a tall cold one and then Stephanie says thought that's what I was then her boyfriend says no short hot one and touches her breast squeezed one of them and kisses her.Stephanie calls her boyfriend a pig.Then her boyfriend leaves her alone Stephanie has her bra unbuttoned showing her breast and then buttons her bra back and puts some headphones on and listens to music and lays back trund a strobe light on and closes her eyes.during this time danny Gets attacked by the scarecrow.The scarecrow comes to the van opens the door and starts to come in sees Stephanie laying there with her eyes closed and listening to music and she doesn't know that the scarecrow is there.The scarecrow then comes toward Stephanie starts touching her legs then touches her vaginal area then her stomach Stephanie says mmm its about time you got back thinking its her boyfriend and she touches the scarecrows hand starts screaming trying to.get away but can't.The scarecrow holding Stephanie down and starts coming at her with his hand with his finger and has a seed comes out and says seed some place to plant my seed Stephanie trying to get away and the scarecrow puts his finger down in Stephanies mouth and releases the seed goes into her stomach and the scarecrow makes sex sounds Stephanie is screaming.Stephanie has had oral sex with the scarecrow and now is the scarecrows girlfriend now and has been impregnated by the scarecrows seed.Stephanies boyfriend comes back and finds her laying down and keeps screaming saying reaching out saying she didn't feel good and is sweating.Stephanies breast start moving and she starts screaming crying and her bra pops off her breast showing and moving then a tentacle starts coming out of Stephanies breast then more come out of her stomach arms both legs the tentacles come through her pants thats why i said her pants should been taken off before her they started having sex or before she was attacked by the scarecrows.While Stephanie is now having tentacles coming out of her body her boyfriend is watching everything happen to her and she keeps saying no no no stop stop then hopes danny can help her.then tentacles start coming out of her mouth now she has tentacles coming out of her body.her boyfriend is in his van watching everything happen to Stephanie and trys to get away but Stephanie keeps having tentacles coming out of her.danny gets out leaves Stephanie alone and the tentacles are coming out of the van the tentacles makes sounds like popping sounds while coming out of Stephanie now the tentacles starts to go to the ground Stephanie screams and still in the van the back doors open glass breaks and the tentacles start to pull her out of tge van she makes a sound trys to keep from being pulled into the ground hoping danny can help her then Stephanie is pulled into the ground feet first and then Stephanie is the planted into the ground she should had been nude and the scarecrow done a good job by getting Stephanie now she is the scarecrows girlfriend.

  • Anonymous like Stephanie: 0 +1 -1

    Really liked the movie night of the Cristi Harris Stephanie in the movie.Love the scene with Cristi Harris Stephanie is in her bedroom with her boyfriend and he is under her covers and Cristi Harris Stephanie keeeps saying no no no stop stop.then Stephanie Cristi Harris boyfriend starts to unbutton her shirt starts touching her and kissing Stephanie.Stephanie tells her boyfriend to watch out her parents are asleep and afarid to ger caught.Stephanie Cristi Harris says lets go out somewhere romantic and no one can hear them.they start out and go to Danny's van and start to make out.Stephanie has her shirt unbuttoned and bra come unbuttoned by danny.Stephanies breast is showing.Her pants are unbuttoned and unzipped.Stephanie Cristi harris being kissed her breast sucked squeezed.Stephanies boyfriend has his hand in her pants some.they both stop and danny says going to get short cold one and Stephanie says thought that's what I was then danny says no short hot one.danny kisses her and touches her breast.Stephanie calls Danny a pig.Danny leaves Stephanie alone she lays back turns on a strobe light puts some headphones on and listens to music.Then Stephanie buttons her bra back and waits for danny.While Stephanie is wanting the scarecrow has attached danny and opens the van door and starts coming at Stephanie she has her eyes closed doesn't hear the scarecrow.The scarecrow Touches Stephanie Cristi Harris legs and her vagina and stomach Stephanie says mmm in a sexy voice about time you are getting back.then Stephanie opens her eyes and the scarecrow is attacking her trys to get awayscreams and crys.the scarecrow has his finger must be a penis with a seed at the end with slime.the scarecrow says seed somewhere to plant my seed Stephanie is trying to get away but can't. The scarecrow plants a seed in Stephanie Cristi Harris stomach.the scarecrow leaves Stephanie alone and her boyfriend comes back and finds her.Stephanie has her bra on and she is screaming saying danny reaching for him not feeling good.then Stephanies breast start moving and her bra pops off.Her breast are exposed and then vines or roots start coming out of Stephanies body out both breast stomach both arms both legs.steph is in pain and screaming saying no no stop stop then more start coming out of her body while there coming out there ripping sounds popping sounds.More vines and roots has came out of Stephanie and her breast and vigina.her boyfriend is watching everything happen to Stephanie and trys to get away but he can't.the vines roots start to pull Stephanie out of the van into the ground feet first and she is screaming and trys to not get pulled into the ground.

  • Anonymous: 1 +1 -1

    Love the night of the scarecrow and Cristi Harris Stephanie.I like what happens to Cristi Harris Stephanie loved the boob scene.Loved when she was attacked by the scarecrow how she was touched by him touching her vaginal area and she thought it was her boyfriend coming back.and impregnated by the scarecrows seed with his finger/penis scarecrows says seed somewhere to plant my seed the scarecrow makes sex sounds like he is having sex.and Stephanie Cristi Harris is trying to fight and get away and Stephanie is the scarecrows girlfriend now and has been impregnated bybefore scarecrows finger must be a penis.Loved her sex scene with her boyfriend in her bedroom and they moved to his van.danny has Stephanies shirt unbuttoned andbra unbuttoned and breast showing really big breast and her pants unbuttoned and unzipped and could see just. A little of her panties.the pants should have been taken off and down to her panties or should had a skirt on.Like way her bra popped off her and the vines tentacles or roots started coming out of Stephanies breast and her body all of her breast stomach both arms and legs more places.then comes out of her mouth her boyfriend is watching everything happen to Stephanie and she is screaming saying help me no no while those vines tentacles or roots coming out of Stephanies body there making sounds popping ripping while the vines tentacles or roots are coming out of Stephanies body.They have came out of both breast and more out of her then her boyfriend needs to help her but he can't she is screaming and crying in pain sweeting.Stephanies boyfriend gets out of the van and starts going to the back and leaving Stephanie alone again she was alone when she was attacked and now alone and having things coming out of her body.the back doors to the van come open and glass breaks and Stephanie is trying to stay in the van and is now being pulled out of the van and hits the ground she still has her pants they should came off and just have panties on or they could gotten popped off.Stephanie is try to keep from being pulled and trying to stop being pulled but keeps getting pulled she says help me and is being pulled into the ground feet first and she has into the ground and makes sounds and her hand is last to go down.the scarecrow seed had done what was supposed to do.Stephanie Cristi Harris is with her boyfriend the scarecrow and impregnated may be the scarecrow had plans for her after going into the ground.

  • Anonymous: 0 +1 -1

    Really liked the movie night of the scarecrow Really great movie.loved the scene with Cristi Harris Stephanie Really great scene.the part where Stephanie Cristi Harris is at her house in her room she in bed with her boyfriend saying no no no stop stop then her boyfriend is under her covers touching her and kissing her.Cristi Harris Stephanie says stop my mom is still awake and don't want get caught.then Stephanie Cristi Harris says lets go out somewhere romantic and no one can hear us.they both agree and her boyfriend touches her breast.they go out to her boyfriends van and start to make out.her boyfriend unbuttons her shirt then her bra and her breast showing.then they are kissing her boyfriend is touching her breast and has her pants unbuttoned and unzipped.kinda maybe putting his hands down in her pants and panties.the pants should came off and just with her shirt bra and panties on.they are still getting ready to have sex and they stop.her boyfriend says he is going get a tall cold one and Stephanie says thought that's what I was then he says no short hot one.then kisses her and squeezes her breast.Her boyfriend gets out of the van goes gets a beer and leaves Stephanie alone while she is alone she turns a strobe light on puts her head phones on listens to music and buttons her bra back and puts her shirt over her some and lays down cloes her eyes.her boyfriend just got attacked and the scarecrow opens the door to the van Stephanie doesn't hear the scarecrow coming in and he finds her laying there with her breast showing but has her bra on.then the scarecrow touches Stephanie Cristi Harris legs and her vagina and she says mmm in a sexy voice about time you are getting back then touches the scarecrows hand and she starts screaming trying get away screams crying the scarecrow is holding her down she is trying to fight but can't then the scarecrow has his hand and finger coming towards Stephanie says seed somewhere to plant my seed Stephanie screaming kicking her pants still unbuttoned and unzipped the scarecrow touches her and runs his finger down in her mouth and makes sex sounds she is now being raped by the scarecrow and the seed is now going in Stephanies stomach and maybe some other places like her reproductive system then before the scarecrow leaves.the scarecrow leaves and Stephanie is laying down in the van sweating not feeling good and her boyfriend comes back opens the door says steph then Cristi Harris Stephanie says his name and he asks what is wrong she is screaming crying sweating and her breast start to move she is reaching to her boyfriend he just watching then her bra pops off and her breast are showing and they start to move making sounds and then a tentacle stalk vine starts coming out of Stephanies breast makes popping whipping sounds and another one comes out of her other breast she is screaming stop stop no no no and more comes out of her body and they come out of her stomach arms and legs and other openings to her body.they come out of butt and her vagina and her mouth.her pants are still on thats reason her pants should have been taken off so she have her panties on which could stay on her.or the panties could pop off some or pop off completely after her bra popped off or before being pulled out of the van.her boyfriend is watching everything happen to Stephanie and trys to get away but keeps watching her Stephanie Cristi Harris hoping her boyfriend would help but she is now beyond saving with more tentacles vines or stalks coming out of her the boyfriend gets out the van the vines tentacles or stalks are smart and was keeping her boyfriend in to watch.the vines tentacles or stalks have over taken Stephanie she still screaming saying things like help me then she is starting to get pulled out of the van the back doors open and glass breaks then Stephanie Cristi Harris trying to fight and stay in the van then when she starts to get pulled out her panties pop off then she screams more she is pain from the start and now Stephanie hits the ground she moans trying to not get pulled into the ground feet first she trying to fight it her body has tentacles roots vines or stalks coming out of her body the vines tentacles the main one looks to have came from her legs or vaginal area and now starts being pulled into the ground she screams and crys has her arm and hand sticking up try to get help from her boyfriend watched her being pulled on the ground then down into the ground feet first and then she is scarecrows girlfriend now was impregnated and she now might be doing more for the scarecrow.

  • Like Cristi Harris: 0 +1 -1

    Like Cristi Harris Stephanie in the night of the scarecrow all of her scenes in the movie when she is at her uncles house she has a dress on and sitting at tbe table looking at her cousins boyfriend.and later Cristi Harris Stephanie is at home has a button up shirt on skirt with hose and her dad finds a like Victoria secret book and asks her about it.she doesn't say anything about it.then she is in her bedroom with her boyfriend in bed he is under her covers and making Cristi Harris Stephanie saying no no stop stop stop.Cristi Harris Stephanie tells her boyfriend to stop it her mom is awake and don't want to get caught. Then calls her boyfriend an idiot.then her boyfriend gets Stephanies shirt unbuttoned it and shows her breast keeps her bra on.Cristi Harris Stephanie says lets go out some place no one can find them someplace romantic.they bath agree and they start out Stephanies boyfriend ask for for beers and she tells him shut up.they go to Cristi Harris Stephanies boyfriends van and start to have sex.Cristi Harris Stephanie has a button up shirt on with pants which she should have a pair shorts leggings,body suit,panty hose or just in her panties.her boyfriend unbuttons her shirt and unbuttoned her bra from the front.then her pants are unbuttoned and unzipped and you can see a little bit of her panties.Cristi Harris Stephanie has her breast showing and her boyfriend is touching them sucking squeezes them there kissing hugging he feel of her butt put his hands into her pants.they have almost gotten further in having sex and her boyfriend stops and says he be right back going get a tall cold one and Stephanie says thought that's what I was then her boyfriend says no short hot one and Stephanie says such a pig.Cristi Harris Stephanie has her breast squeezed sucked before her boyfriend leaves her alone and she is there in the van has no clue what is getting ready to happen to her.Stephanie Cristi Harris button her bra back places her shirt over her some then truns a strobe light on and puts some headphones on and listens to music and lays down and closes her eyes.she is laying there with her shirt unbuttoned and pants unbuttoned and unzipped.then after the scarecrow gets her boyfriend the scarecrow seems to know someone is in the van a female at that.the scarecrow opens the side door and comes in and starts towards Stephanie Cristi Harris then the scarecrow runs his hand and fingers over her legs vaginal area then she says mmm in a sexy voice about time you are getting back.then Stephanie touches the scarecrows hand and she starts screaming and trys to fight but she can't the scarecrow is touching her and then has his finger with a seed on the end of it and has slime on he says seed somewhere to plant my seed when the seed comes out of the scarecrows finger it makes some sounds and he places his finger into Stephanies mouth and starts making sex sounds and her holds her down Stephanie is kicking screaming crying trying to get away.the scarecrow may have kissed Stephanie Cristi Harris.the scarecrow has now released the seed in Stephanies mouth and goes into her stomach and maybe some other places like her reproductive system.then the scarecrow leaves.stephanie is laying in the van and started sweating and she isn't feeling good and her boyfriend comes back and finds Stephanie Cristi Harris laying down kinda propped up some she starts screaming crying then reaches for her boyfriend he asks what is wrong and her breast start moving and making sounds and her bra pops off.Stephanie is laying there scared screaming and her breast start moving more she has that look in her face then a tentacle starts coming out of Stephanies breast making sounds popping whipping another tentacle comes out of the other breast and she is screaming no no no stop stop then more tentacles come out of her stomach both arms and both legs and butt and vagina.the tentacles comes out of her she is in pain and her boyfriend is watching everything happen to her and she starts screaming more.the tentacles come out of her mouth she still screaming saying help me the tentacles coming out of her vagina went through her pants.seems to be the main tentacles is ones that has came out of her mouth breast and vagina.her boyfriend is watching Everything happen to Stephanie and trys to get away but cant yet.when tentacles come out Stephanie Cristi Harris is in pain and there is some blood on her.Stephanies boyfriend gets out of the van leaves Stephanie alone and she is screaming sweating saying help me and the tentacles are smart and starts to go out of the van then her boyfriend gets to back of the van and the back doors open and glass breaks then Stephanie is trying to stay in the van not get pulled out then she gets pulled out of the van and she says oh no no no screaming crying trying to not get pulled by using her hands she moans when she hits the ground and she starts getting pulled by the tentacles towards a hole in the ground while Stephanie is behind pulled the tentacles have came out of her body her shirt is still on her bra is off but still with her and her pant are have bee torn and there unbuttoned and unzipped and the tentacles has come out of her butt and vagina thrre pulling her into the ground feet and then she is trying to not get pulled in she is screaming fighting it then when she goes into the ground the tentacles are making noises and she slowly pulled in she looks up and trys to reach out goes into the ground her hand stays above the ground and is with the scarecrow and is now the scarecrows girlfriend and she had been implemented by the scarecrow and Cristi Harris Stephanie is with the scarecrow now and maybe he needs her for some the scene with Cristi Harris Stephanie but i think she should had her pants took off when they were in the van at first.other thing Stephanie should had a dress or button up shirt on and a skirt.then a bodysuit the top could been pulled down exposing her breast and the bottom part stays on and her legs show like when her boyfriend are having sex he just pull her top part down and start kissing hugging feeling and sucking her breast then when he left she could pulled it up then she be coverd when the scarecrow attacks her the scarecrow touching her vagina through the bodysuit.then when the tentacles start coming out of her the bodysuit starts to fail the straps at top break and her breast are showing and the tentacles start coming out of her and her body.she stays coverd with bottom part on or later the bottom part pops off same with hose they could stay on and panties stay on or pop off little bit after the bra or before being pulled out of the van.

  • Like: 0 +1 -1

    Like to ses Crist Harris do another night of the scarecrow love the movie she be great in another one.she could be in the lead or have scene with a boyfriend and scarecrow attacks her and plants a seed in her or another female actor.

  • Good: 0 +1 -1

    Really great movie.

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