Diane Lane nude - Unfaithful (2002)

Diane Lane in the clip is seen wearing black dress while her male partner was recording her with the new video camera that they brought. Diane Lane sits in front of him and removes her laces while the guy records it. She then sits on his lap and then removes her laces and starts showing tits to the guy. The guy kissed and sucked her boobs while sucking her and fucking her too. Diane Lane was then seen in bath tub getting bathed and enjoying the moment of sexy and hot water in the bath tub. She showed her beautiful boobs while sitting in the bath tub.

The clip showed her getting fucked and enjoying sexy and beautiful fucking scenes. The guy and her male partner sucked her lips insanely and also fucked her. The clip has been taken from the movie named Unfaithful which was released in the year 2002 around a decade form now.

Diane Lane nude - Unfaithful (2002) Diane Lane nude - Unfaithful (2002) Diane Lane nude - Unfaithful (2002)

Actress: Diane Lane
Movies: Unfaithful
Tags: topless, sex, butt, nude


27 thought on “Diane Lane nude - Unfaithful (2002)

  • Anonymous: 68 +1 -1

    I love it. Diane lane is hot

  • med: 25 +1 -1


  • Anonymous: 27 +1 -1

    Love u baby sexy hip

  • MHW: 47 +1 -1

    My youth consisted of having a crush on young Diane Lane. Fast forward to now older, love that she's playing a character of hot wife who fucks a young man behind her husband's back.

  • Wolf: 37 +1 -1

    It would be great to see Diane lane in a fully nude lesbian sex scene too.

  • Batman: 49 +1 -1


  • uffff asss: 37 +1 -1

    that ass banging against the wall godddd

  • Anonymous: 27 +1 -1

    Diane lane hot i would have sex with her in the shower the bath tub the hot tub the swimming pool.

  • Kal-EL: 39 +1 -1

    wtf mother??!!

  • Butterrcup: 20 +1 -1

    A theatre scene in this movie where she make that beautiful squeaky sound. That was the best one.

  • Wrohn: 22 +1 -1

    I love every sex scene of the movie

  • Poolu mela poolu: 23 +1 -1

    Last la doggy style la okkanum avala naan

  • To buttercup: 17 +1 -1

    I think that is deleted scene

  • Larry King: 11 +1 -1


  • Superman: 12 +1 -1

    What is happening mother

  • Pussyliker69: 16 +1 -1

    Superman 's mom is a slut

  • BehindTheScene: 14 +1 -1

    To help prepare his stars for the explicit canoodling, Adrian Lyne convened a special sex summit at which he screened footage of his 1987 thriller Fatal Attraction (1987). Particularly, the director showed Diane Lane and Olivier Martinez the now-legendary scene in which Michael Douglas and Glenn Close shag on everything including the kitchen sink. "He took us into his trailer and gave us a good talking-to - like children that were not going to get into college if we didn't pass the test," recalls the actress. "He was saying how important it is for the actors to trust him and go well beyond their comfort level. That's what he requires." "I trusted Adrian completely," she adds. "I told him, 'I'll give you everything on film, and then when you edit it together... I can see what I'm comfortable with. I'll trust you first and then you have to trust me later.' Fortunately, he chose wisely in the editing room. I was very comfortable with the end result. It was all appropriate to the story."

  • Anonymous: 5 +1 -1

    Love you to chodo chodo

  • Clark Kent: 9 +1 -1

    Mom you are the reason I'll join Darkseid's Paradeamons and conquer earth so that no other women has to go through this....Glory to Darkseid

  • Mahan: 13 +1 -1

    I wanna fuck her asshole

  • Anonymous: 9 +1 -1

    The alternate outcome of this movie would be if Richard Gere would've accepted being a cuckold. He's already got that camcorder ready.

  • Anonymous: 12 +1 -1

    There should be an extra oral sex scene when Oliver Martinez eats Diane Lane out totally in explicit way. Cinema is good, but could be also some hairy bush eating.

  • ABC: -3 +1 -1

    Make your "WIFE" !!! If you support to see your wife make something........

  • Pakalu: 0 +1 -1

    No wonder Clark Kent went on to become homelander

  • Amaan Hasan Dilawar: 0 +1 -1

    Sexiest whore

  • Anonymous: 1 +1 -1

    If it were upto me, I would have killed the wife instead of the affair-partner

  • Better unknown: -2 +1 -1

    Alternate ending to this movie: Would have killed the wife instead

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