Leonora Fani nude - Pensione Paura (1977)

Leonora Fani in nude scene from Pensione Paura which was released in 1977. She shows us her tits, butt and bush including full frontal nudity in sex scene.

Leonora Fani nude - Pensione Paura (1977)Leonora Fani nude - Pensione Paura (1977)Leonora Fani nude - Pensione Paura (1977)

Actress: Leonora Fani
Movies: Pensione Paura
Tags: topless, sex, butt, bush, nude, full frontal


2 thought on “Leonora Fani nude - Pensione Paura (1977)

  • BehindTheScene: 15 +1 -1

    Director Francesco Barilli recalls that when the movie came out in theaters it was forbidden to minors. "When it was acquired by television, all the most disturbing scenes were left out. For instance, the scene in which Luc Merenda's lover [Jole Fierro] lures Leonora Fani into her own room and then lets the man rape her, was cut to the bone. At a certain point, the elderly woman even stuck a finger in Luc's ass as he was fucking the girl, in order to somehow give him pleasure, too. I think I still have a "Playmen" magazine issue with the photo session taken on the set", he says.

  • Anonymous: 0 +1 -1

    I was born in 1992 but I love her huge monster bush so much, Mmmmm

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