babylon: 8 +1 -1 nothing another video itself i just wanted to say that the world failed this movie, should not have been a massive box office bomb as it is so far definitely one of the best of the 2020s
Anonymous: 3 +1 -1 Margot or Nicole who is the sexiest Aussie export to Hollywood? I think it's Margot.
Anonymous: 9 +1 -1 No enough sex or nudity. I need Margot to do much more explicit sex scene like Wolf of wall Street next time.
nothing another video itself i just wanted to say that the world failed this movie, should not have been a massive box office bomb as it is so far definitely one of the best of the 2020s
Margot is pregnant now.
Margot or Nicole who is the sexiest Aussie export to Hollywood? I think it's Margot.
No enough sex or nudity. I need Margot to do much more explicit sex scene like Wolf of wall Street next time.