Rosie Perez nude - The Take (2007)

Rosie Perez has nude scene in the movie “The Take” which was released in 2007. The actress has shown bare boobs and butt there. There is also a sex scene with her, including a simulated handjob.

Rosie Perez nude - The Take (2007) Rosie Perez nude - The Take (2007) Rosie Perez nude - The Take (2007) Rosie Perez nude - The Take (2007) Rosie Perez nude - The Take (2007) Rosie Perez nude - The Take (2007)

Actress: Rosie Perez
Movies: The Take (Film)
Tags: nude, butt, sex, topless


2 thought on “Rosie Perez nude - The Take (2007)

  • BehindTheScene: 12 +1 -1

    Both John Leguizamo and Rosie Perez admitted certain scenes with them together felt uncomfortable because they are close friends and attend church together. "It was in the sex scene between husband and wife that things started to go bad. ... It was the hardest scene, very difficult," Perez said. "I respect him so much and he respects me so much. I know his wife, he knew my husband and introduced me to my boyfriend. It was very awkward. Like brother and sister having to do a sex scene." (IMDb)

  • Lobo: 1 +1 -1

    Shame there wasn’t better lighting and saw Rosie and John in their full hot naked glory!

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