Sara Norte nude, Ana Bustorff nude, Alexandra Rosa nude, Vera Barreto nude, Anabela Moreira nude, Teresa Tavares nude, Rita Blanco nude - Fatima (2017)
Sara Norte, Ana Bustorff, Alexandra Rosa, Vera Barreto, Anabela Moreira, Teresa Tavares, Rita Blanco have nude moment in the movie “Fatima” which was released in 2017. The actresses show bare breasts, pussies, arses including full frontal nudity in the shower.
5 thought on “Sara Norte nude, Ana Bustorff nude, Alexandra Rosa nude, Vera Barreto nude, Anabela Moreira nude, Teresa Tavares nude, Rita Blanco nude - Fatima (2017)”
In this film there is a scene in which several actresses from the cast (Rita Blanco, Anabela Moreira, Vera Barreto, Ana Bustorff, Sara Norte, Alexandra Rosa and Teresa Tavares) appear full frontally nude, in a bathhouse lined with white tiles, taking a bath. When RTP (Rádio e Televisão de Portugal) showed the film in series format, these same images were censored by the public channel, having been cut. Actress Sara Norte reacted to RTP's attitude: "These images (full nudes) are part of the film, both in the long and in the short version. It's a scene where we take a shower in a fire station after walking for miles. It is a scene from a pilgrim's bath. It's part of the film (...) It's a bit silly: how is it that, in the 21st century, people talk like that about nudity? How is it that the female body is still taboo?" (IMDb)
So many beautiful bodies, love it!
In this film there is a scene in which several actresses from the cast (Rita Blanco, Anabela Moreira, Vera Barreto, Ana Bustorff, Sara Norte, Alexandra Rosa and Teresa Tavares) appear full frontally nude, in a bathhouse lined with white tiles, taking a bath. When RTP (Rádio e Televisão de Portugal) showed the film in series format, these same images were censored by the public channel, having been cut. Actress Sara Norte reacted to RTP's attitude: "These images (full nudes) are part of the film, both in the long and in the short version. It's a scene where we take a shower in a fire station after walking for miles. It is a scene from a pilgrim's bath. It's part of the film (...) It's a bit silly: how is it that, in the 21st century, people talk like that about nudity? How is it that the female body is still taboo?" (IMDb)
Apetece-me ir à cona à Sara Norte.
A Sara Norte é TÃO BOA!!!!!!!!!!!
Whoa, that old bird got a nice landing strip, waxing that old kitty at the spa still...that's hot