Gemma Arterton nude - Gemma Bovery (2014)

Gemma Arterton in the clip is seen with the male partner of hers standing with her inside the room. Inside the room, when the camera goes there, we got to see Gemma Arterton with her male partner near her and both of them were indulge in kissing and sucking each other`s lips. The guy was holding Gemma Arterton over his body with her pussy over his dick and was fucking her while Gemma Arterton was wearing white bra and was getting fucked by her male partner.

Gemma Arterton showed us her beautiful tits while having sexy while she didn’t revealed much of her sexy and beautiful body, but she looked sexy in those underwears showing us her beautiful body. The clip has been taken from the movie named Gemma Bovery which was released in the year 2014. Gemma Arterton showed her boobs some part in the clip and her nipslip also.

Gemma Arterton nude - Gemma Bovery (2014) Gemma Arterton nude - Gemma Bovery (2014) Gemma Arterton nude - Gemma Bovery (2014)

Actress: Gemma Arterton
Movies: Gemma Bovery
Tags: sex, nude, underwear, cleavage, nipslip


11 thought on “Gemma Arterton nude - Gemma Bovery (2014)

  • Peter: 48 +1 -1


  • Anonymous: 103 +1 -1

    wish to fuck her all day

  • Nick: 41 +1 -1

    The guy is worried about the statue

  • Sttt: 40 +1 -1

    Yes Nick he's a dumbass.

  • Klara: 77 +1 -1

    I want to know if the nipslip was scripted or does it pop out unintended..

  • Ninja: 16 +1 -1

    How dumbass end with hot girls is one of mysteries to unravelef

  • Anonymous: 39 +1 -1

    what a delicious cunt, would fuck her for ages

  • Neha: 13 +1 -1

    Nice to have fuck like this ❤️

  • Bossmovie: 13 +1 -1

    Amazing boobs

  • Erfanee: 0 +1 -1

    Baby, I Lick my Cum on your Breasts & put your Bra in my mouth. I kiss you, Beautiful Sexy

  • Batman: 0 +1 -1

    she feels like the Hollywood version of Anushka Sharma

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