Sissy Spacek nude, Nancy Allen nude, Amy Irving nude, Cindy Daly nude - Carrie (1976)

Sissy Spacek in nude scene from Carrie which was released in 1976. She shows us her tits and ass.
Also Nancy Allen naked in Carrie. So Nancy Allen is not shy and she demonstrating her boobs and even full frontal nudity.
In addition there is scene with nude Amy Irving. Thanks to Amy Irving for her tits and other sexy shots in that video.
And not forgetting about Cindy Daly and which also take part in the movie.

Sissy Spacek nude, Nancy Allen nude, Amy Irving nude, Cindy Daly nude - Carrie (1976)Sissy Spacek nude, Nancy Allen nude, Amy Irving nude, Cindy Daly nude - Carrie (1976)Sissy Spacek nude, Nancy Allen nude, Amy Irving nude, Cindy Daly nude - Carrie (1976)

Actress: Amy Irving, Sissy Spacek, Nancy Allen, Cindy Daly
Movies: Carrie
Tags: topless, butt, nude, full frontal


3 thought on “Sissy Spacek nude, Nancy Allen nude, Amy Irving nude, Cindy Daly nude - Carrie (1976)

  • HOMBRE: -3 +1 -1

    Well I like me some mean girls, especially naked or real damn near't. What ya think...?

  • Anonymous: -6 +1 -1

    I got a boner in the movie with my gf

  • Don: -8 +1 -1

    Only thing bad about this is bad girl PJ Soles didn't get naked.

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