Sissy Spacek nude - Prime Cut (1972)

Sissy Spacek is nude in the movie “Prime Cut” which was released in 1972. Sissy Spacek has shown bare tits and butt there. Also the actress has demonstrated us see thru view.

Sissy Spacek nude - Prime Cut (1972) Sissy Spacek nude - Prime Cut (1972) Sissy Spacek nude - Prime Cut (1972) Sissy Spacek nude - Prime Cut (1972) Sissy Spacek nude - Prime Cut (1972) Sissy Spacek nude - Prime Cut (1972) Sissy Spacek nude - Prime Cut (1972) Sissy Spacek nude - Prime Cut (1972) Sissy Spacek nude - Prime Cut (1972) Sissy Spacek nude - Prime Cut (1972) Sissy Spacek nude - Prime Cut (1972) Sissy Spacek nude - Prime Cut (1972) Sissy Spacek nude - Prime Cut (1972) Sissy Spacek nude - Prime Cut (1972) Sissy Spacek nude - Prime Cut (1972)

Actress: Sissy Spacek
Movies: Prime Cut
Tags: nude, topless, see thru, butt


7 thought on “Sissy Spacek nude - Prime Cut (1972)

  • Irineu, vc não sabe nem eu: 8 +1 -1

    Que lindos peitinhos

  • Tony2time: 8 +1 -1

    Would have loved to eaten her back then

  • BehindTheScene: 14 +1 -1

    Asked about her nude scenes, Sissy Spacek said, "For someone who'd started out singing solos in church, that was real mortifying. But it was a huge break for me, a movie with big stars and all. So I got real skinny and hoped nobody would notice that I wasn't wearing any clothes. Well, my mother noticed and she was appalled."

  • Chickasaw: 2 +1 -1

    beautiful girl.

  • Don: 2 +1 -1

    Who was the girl in the coral with her

  • BehindTheScene: 3 +1 -1

    The other girl is Janit Baldwin

  • HoneyPotHunter: -1 +1 -1

    I love the idea of keeping nude girls in animal pens inside a huge barn, it's so humiliating. My favorite line is when Sissy wakes up in the morning and says "that wasn't so bad" after a night of being raped by Lee Marvin.

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